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Alexandroupolis, Greece


We are happy to announce that registration for the 1st International Conference of the Network of Learning and Teaching Centers in Greek Universities is open! Conference registration is free, but required, in order to take advantage of the full conference experience. Once the registration is submitted via the registration system, it will be received by the Organising Committee and undergo an evaluation procedure. Verification for your successful registration to the Conference will be sent at a later stage. Please note attendance is only in-person, it will not be possible to attend virtually. To register click the button beneath.

Please carefully review the below terms and conditions as they contain important information. You acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by these conditions by submitting your online registration form. By registering you fully accept all registration conditions as further detailed.

Your free Conference Registration includes:

  • Access to all Scientific Sessions & Poster Area
  • Online access to the digital Abstract Book
  • Refreshments during Coffee breaks as indicated in the Scientific Program
  • Lunches as indicated in the Scientific Program
  • Conference Dinners, including Transportation
  • Delegate Badge & Conference Material
  • eCertificate of Attendance

Your Conference Registration does not include:

  • Accommodation. A wide range of rooms has been reserved at very competitive rates and in fair conditions in RAMADA PLAZA THRAKI. Check here for further details.
  • Travel Expenses & Airport Transportation

Confirmation of Registration

An email acknowledgment and confirmation will be sent upon completion of the registration process. Verification for your successful registration to the Conference will be sent at a later stageThis confirmation must be presented at the registration desk on-site at the conference to receive the conference kit and access badge.

No-show Policy

Delegates assume full responsibility for notification to and verification of receipt by the CTL Conference 2023 hosts.

Liability Disclaimer

In the event of serious special or unforeseen circumstances or serious circumstances beyond its control, ARTION Conferences & Events shall be entitled to cancel or modify the dates of the event. You shall not be entitled to compensation for any costs or damage incurred as a consequence of such a cancellation or change.

All delegates are urged to take personal travel insurance.

ARTION Conferences & Events will not be liable for any theft or damage to property and/or persons caused on site during the Conference, by any factor whatever, unless there has been a fault, intent, or deliberate recklessness on the part of ARTION Conferences & Events.

ARTION Conferences & Events shall not be held responsible in the event of poisoning or food intoxication during the Event.

DATA PROTECTION: We inform you that the personal data you provide to us is collected with your consent; the personal data collected through the registration form are for the purpose of processing your registration form at the CTLC2023. They will be processed in accordance with Greek legislation and Regulation No 2016/679, General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data.

By registering, I consent to receive news from the organizers, related to the CTLC2023.

Invitation Letters

Individuals or delegations who require an official letter of invitation for VISA application purposes or for authorization from their institution to attend the 1st International Conference of the Network of Learning and Teaching Centers in Greek Universities: Transforming Higher Education Teaching Practice, must first complete registration and payment for the conference. Upon completing registration and payment, they can contact the conference secretariat at with their request, providing the following information: Full name, address, passport information, phone number and email address. The letter of invitation does not financially obligate the 1st International Conference of the Network of Learning and Teaching Centers in Greek Universities: Transforming Higher Education Teaching Practice organizers in any way.

Please note that all requests for invitation letters will be automatically rejected if the applicant has not completed their registration and payment first.

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