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Alexandroupolis, Greece

Luke Millard

Luke Millard

Dean of Teaching and Learning, AbLE Academy, Abertay University, United Kingdom

Dr Luke Millard is Dean of Teaching and Learning and Head of the AbLE Academy at Abertay University in Scotland. Prior to this role, Luke was Director of Educational Development at Birmingham City University in England. He is a Principal Fellow of the UK’s Higher Education Academy which recognised his work on improving the student experience through collaborative working with staff and students in the areas of student engagement and co-creation, student employment, transitions and the first-year experience. Luke has been invited to deliver keynotes at a large number of UK and Irish universities.
He has also chaired the European First Year Experience conference; provided a presentation to the OECD in Paris on Learning Gain, chaired national conferences on student retention and presented on student engagement and quality enhancement at the University of Tsukuba and the Japanese Association of Higher Education Research.

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