The Organising Committee of the 1st International Conference of the Network of Learning and Teaching Centers in Greek Universities welcomes the submission of abstracts. Authors may submit abstracts relevant to the Conference Scientific Topics for an individual Oral contribution, a Poster contribution, or a Workshop. Please carefully read the Guidelines, consult the Template, and submit your abstract below.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts for individual Oral and Poster presentations and Workshops can be submitted via the conference website no later than 30 January 2023 19 February 2023 by filling in the online submission form.
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented exclusively either in English or in Greek language . Authors and speakers are encouraged to perform a careful check.
- Authors are exclusively responsible for the submission of their work according to the abstract submission guidelines and for submitting their abstract in due time according to the abstract submission deadline. Abstracts that do not comply with the guidelines or are submitted after the deadline will be automatically disqualified.
- During the submission process, all authors will be asked to upload a ready-for-publication file as well, as described in the Abstract document specifications.
- All submitted abstracts are subjected to a peer review process. Authors do not have the possibility to revise abstracts at this stage. After the evaluation, the corresponding authors will receive feedback. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to change the requested presentation type from Oral to Poster or from Poster to Oral.
- Accepted abstracts will be presented as Oral or Poster presentations or Workshops and will be published in the Abstract Book.
Instructions for the Abstracts
- The abstract must have a maximum length of 300 words.
- Statements such as “results will be discussed”, “data will be presented” will not be accepted.
- Tables and illustrations may not be inserted.
- The title, the names of the authors, their affiliations, and the references should be inserted into the appropriate fields and not be repeated within the text of the abstract.
- Authors may insert a maximum of 3 references using the APA reference style.
Abstract document specifications
Software: The abstracts should be typed on a word processor (“.doc” or “.docx” format).
Font, size, spacing, alignment: They should be written in Times New Roman font 11 pt, single-spaced, without spaces between paragraphs, and justified paragraph alignment.
Spacing, paragraphs: Text should be fully justified. There should be no spaces between paragraphs: title, authors, and affiliated institutions/hospitals. There should be one single space between the affiliated institutions and the abstract text.
Title: The title should be in Bold Sentence-case letters, as brief as possible.
Authors: All of the names should be written in the nominative in Sentence-case letters; the surname should follow the first initial of the name; and the superscript should be inserted at the end with no space. The presenter’s name should be underlined; the superscript should not be underlined. Listed names should be separated by a comma, e.g. G. Papadopoulou1, A. Papadopoulos2
Affiliations: The name of the institution/University and the Country. When more than one affiliation is included, the reference superscripts should be written before the name, e.g. G. Papadopoulou1, A. Papadopoulos2
1Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
2Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: Leave one line, 11pt between abstract text and keywords. Write only the word “Keyword” in bold. A maximum of 5 keywords may be inserted.
The proposals for Workshops can be submitted via the conference website. Proposals should include:
- The title and abstract of the workshop
- The name of the organizer of the workshop
- The affiliations of the organizer
- The email of the organizer
Software: The abstracts should be typed on a word processor (“.doc” or “.docx” format).
Font, size, spacing, alignment: They should be written in Times New Roman font 11 pt, single-spaced, without spaces between paragraphs, and justified paragraph alignment.
Spacing, paragraphs: Text should be fully justified. There should be no spaces between paragraphs: title, authors, and affiliated institutions/hospitals. There should be one single space between the affiliated institutions and the abstract text.
Title: The title should be in Bold Sentence-case letters, as brief as possible.
Authors: All of the names should be written in nominative Sentence-case letters; the surname should follow the first name; and the superscript should be inserted at the end with no space. The presenter’s name should be underlined; the superscript should not be underlined. Listed names should be separated by a comma, e.g. Georgia Papadopoulou1, Alexis Papadopoulos2
Affiliations: The name of the institution/University and the Country. When more than one affiliation is included, the reference superscripts should be written before the name, e.g. G. Papadopoulou1, A. Papadopoulos2
1Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
2Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: Leave one line, 11pt between abstract text and keywords. Write only the word “Keyword” in bold. A maximum of 5 keywords may be inserted.
In case you find any difficulty in submitting your abstract electronically, please contact ARTION Conferences & Events at